From a historical point of view the Under19 International Youth Tournament in Belfast 1987 is unique. At least until someone tells me differently, I believe it to be the first occasion in which an Irish representative side has taken part in a 'competitive' bowl-out.

Saturday 1st August 1987 dawned dull and gloomy and as the Ireland and Bermuda squads headed down the M1 to Lisburn the windscreen wipers on the coach were in intermittent action.

An opening day defeat by England South had been followed by a 94 run victory over the Dutch and a 193 run thumping of Canada.

As organisers of the Tournament we could schedule the fixtures as we wished and after three days of cricket Friday was Ireland's rest day before a final three day run in against Bermuda, Denmark and finally England North. We couldn't ask for more.

Ireland Under 19 squad 1987Ireland Under 19 squad 1987

Given the conditions at Wallace Park when we arrived and the forecast of 'proper rain' later in the day, winning the Toss and opting to bowl required little thought. It was to be a day to remember for Kevin McCafferty who ran through the visitors taking 5 wickets for only 14 runs, and although Bermuda hung around longer than we hoped, their final total of 111 would not present us with any difficulties. If we could just get back onto the field after the lunch interval.

The earlier spots of drizzly rain were becoming heavier and as time wore on it was becoming increasingly clear that there were now doubts about actually continuing the game.

No Duckworth-Lewis-Stern in those days nor even just Duckworth-Lewis. Games would be decided on scoring-rate, plain and simple, and of course greatly in our favour at just over two an over - if only!

Two o'clock became three, then four, as the promised 'proper rain' duly arrived, and the ground was soon awash. No possibility of any further play here and the news that the rain hadn't reached Shane Park or Woodvale and the second innings of the games there had begun did nothing to cheer us.

Brian Johnston, he of BBC NI sport, was on the ground, scheduled to report on the game live on the Saturday Sports radio programme, when suddenly he found himself with the prospect of doing ball-by-ball commentary of a bowl-out.

BBC Sport NI presenters Joel Taggart and Brian JohnstonBBC Sport NI presenters Joel Taggart and Brian Johnston

At 5 o'clock, in the middle of a torrential downpour both sides assembled on the field and BJ took up position in the doorway of the clubhouse microphone in hand.

The match pitch was under water, as indeed was the strip on the edge of the square that was chosen for the bowl-out. Five nominated players to bowl one ball each, with the same five, in the same order if it went to 'sudden death'.

I passed on the accepted wisdom of the time regarding tactics to our nominees - "A few easy strides into the crease, ball held across the seam, target the base of the stumps."

Our first bowler, who shall be nameless, said he would feel more comfortable off his normal twenty yard run! Unfortunately in this case, comfort did not translate into accuracy.

First up for Bermuda was their left arm seamer Kyle Lightbourne, an imposing, athletic 6'2'' and already a Senior International who unerringly hit the base of middle and leg.

Things improved for us however and we found ourselves leading 2-1 as their last man moved in to bowl. None of their other bowlers were remotely close, but of course the inevitable happened - a hit to make it 2-2.

Off we went in sudden death - a perfect leg cutter, pitching middle and clearing the off bail did not add to our total and it would of course be Lightbourne who blasted a couple of stumps out of the ground to claim the win for Bermuda.

Kyle Lightbourne (Walsall FC)Kyle Lightbourne (Walsall FC)

Demolition of the stumps complete he continued his follow through, running towards the ground entrance chased by all his teammates.

When he got to shortish fine leg he did a cartwheel and landed a backward somersault before he was engulfed.

With the coach back to the hotel not due until 7.30 there was nothing else for it but to sit at the bar with the local Ulster Bank manager who was representing the sponsors. I should of course have known better, given he was a teammate at Woodvale and his taxi wasn't due until 8!!

It was when the arrival of the coach was announced that I had one of those 'Hotel California' moments - "Last thing I remember I was heading for the door …"

It had been a long day but it ended for me at 7.30.

Kyle Lightbourne went on to play league football in England for no fewer than nine clubs.

Indeed he had a spell in the Premier League with Coventry City having earned a 500k transfer by virtue of 65 goals in four seasons at nearby Walsall.

In total he would score 106 goals in English football. He is still involved in the sport, and is currently the Bermuda National Football Team Manager.

I never saw him score a goal on television but I think I know what his celebration would have looked like!