Men's International Tournaments
- Goustis of Hellas is lbw to Denmark's Quershi
- Hellas v France: the batsman survived this run out appeal
- Eletheriadis of Hellas is bowled by Denmark's Finn Kleisel
- Hardy of France is run out against Denmark
- Samarakoon of France is bowled by Qureshi of Denmark
- Hewawalandanage of France is stumped by Danish wicketkeeper Navabi
- The Greek fielders appeal in their match against Finland
- The Dutch batsman is run out against France
- Denmark miss a run out in their win over Luxembourg
- Denmark miss another run out in their win over Luxembourg
- A stumping in the match between Hellas and The Netherlands
- Luxembourg batting against France
- Was this Finnish batsman run out against Denmark?
- Moradi of Finland about to be stumped by Navabi of Denmark
- Hellas v France: the batsman survived this run out appeal
- Stokker of The Netherlands is bowled by Denmark's Boldt
- Menezes of Portugal is bowled by Eletheriades of Hellas
- Omair Dirwan of Belgium batting against Luxembourg
- Joy as Finland record their first victory of the tournament
- An edge to the wicketkeeper in the 3rd Place match between France and Portugal
- A near run out in the 3rd Place match between France and Portugal
- A stumping in the 3rd Place match
- Yet another run out between France and Portugal
- The winning Denmark squad receive the championship trophy
- ECC Chairman Doug Insole presents the championship salver
- MCC Chief Executive Roger Knight presents the Spirit of Cricket Award to Finland
- The Danish side with the trophy