Ardmore, League One Champions (31 August)
Rammohan Goud threatened to upset thhe party with 6 wickets
NW President Connie McAllister
Aneesh Anilkumar gets trophy from Connie McAllister
Aneesh lifts trophy aloft
Wiinners Ardmore
Ardmore cheer the win
Ardmore captain Aneesh Anilkumar
Kyle Martin
Vivek Sheoran
Bobby Brolly
Tim Harris
Thomas Brolly and son
Ciaran Curley
Gibi, Aneesh and Vivek
Mujeeb with the trophy
Selfie time
Dermot Ward and Aneesh
Conor and Bobby Brolly
Conor, Bobby and Kevin Brolly
Steven Barrow and Kevin Brolly
Phil Patterson
Tim Harris and Conor Brolly