Billy Platt
History of Cricket at Foyle College 1863-2014
WHW Platt

WHW Platt Publications Ltd, 2015.
Softback, 322pp.

Price: Not available for general purchase

Cover of book

This is WHW (Billy) Platt's seventeenth book on cricket and its publication brings to an end a journey that started in the late 1960s when he published his first book on cricket - North West Senior Cricket 1888-1968.

The book is dedicated to the memory of cricket master Curzon Mowbray, in recognition of his outstandin service to cricket at Foyle College.

For each season there is a survey of the 1st XI's matches, usually accompanied by a team photograph. Scorecards of many significant matches are included and oustanding batting and bowling performances are highlighted.

Over 50 team photographs, with all personnel identified, are included in the book. Needless to say the book covers all Foyle's matches against other schools in Northern Ireland and further afield over the last 150 years. It is a fascinating account of schools cricket and the pupils involved, many who went on to achieve greater things in the sport.