
Dear Diary,

First hangover of the adventure so far and, thankfully, it’s not a bad one. Still, I knew I shouldn’t have had that last pint of cider as now my entire body feel like a dried out river bed. But it seemed like a good idea at the time! No time to dwell on it though as I have to pack and move city again.

It’s time to say farewell to beautiful Dunedin and wave its steep hills a cheery goodbye because it’s time to travel up to Auckland for the big game .... Australia V, new Zealand.

This is the game all Kiwis have been waiting for as, apparently, its been over five years since the Aussies played in New Zealand and the last time they played each other at all was in the previous World Cup. It seems incredulous to have such a large span of time between matches especially considering the span of distance in miles is relatively short.

Animosity between the two nations has always been there but this cricketing snub has truly rankled more than a few Kiwi feathers. A common thread I’ve picked up with every conversation with New Zealanders is that ‘As long as we beat the Aussies everything else will be cool bro’. Almost everyone I have spoken to so far says that this game will determine who finishes on top of group A. It’s clear that New Zealand fans want to top the group but coming up against Australia and knocking them of their perch is regarded as something of a struggle. Perhaps a struggle to far for the tiny nation. This is merely a mental block that keeps New Zealanders living in the shadow of the bigger, noisier, neighbor. But in the run up to this game something is changing in the attitude of the black caps fans. It’s gone from “IF we beat the Aussies.” with the emphasis on the “IF” and transformed into something more positive. Optimism with an outline of caution. By tomorrow I’m sure the entire crowd will be full of belief that this team, THEIR team, can show the Aussies a thing or two about this game called cricket. Their team, The New Zealand Team, has already had this self belief for quite some time. It’s good to see the general public catching up to the team at last.

The match really is promising everything and I’ve been looking forward to it for over a year, but first I have to actually get to Auckland, which turned out to be an ordeal in itself.

Booking a shuttle bus this morning through my hangover haze was enough for anyone to call it quits and try to hitch hike the length of the country instead. Reading out the credit card number was like a punishment from the depth of hell itself. Then the first bus doesn't arrive, the second one breaks down before it even leaves the depot and I have to wait for a bus coming from Queenstown before they can put me on that and tell the driver to take a detour and drop me off at the airport. I’m not overfilled with confidence that this is the end of the mis-adventure when the bus driver says I can sit up front and give him directions. I tell him I’ve never been to this airport before and he admits that he hasn’t either! There is a long delay while he looks for a map.

Thirty minutes later we are finally on our way. The other passengers must truly hate me, I’m the only one going to Dunedin airport and this detour I’m making the full coach go on is claimed to only be 15 minutes but it turns out to be more like 45 ... because Dunedin airport is in the middle of NOWHERE. It’s probably closer to Queenstown (where this coach started out form) than it is to Dunedin.

I began to wonder how small Dunedin airport was when I discovered that I was the only one going to it. Basically, it’s a shed! A well appointed interior for a shed and, as far as sheds go, a little on the large size, but still ... it’s a shed! I was surprised that it had free wifi then quickly angry as you only get 20 minutes free without ever telling you its time limited. Even the plane I get on is small with propellers, not jet engines.

Change planes at Christchurch (give me back my jumper you awful city) and check emails on their two hours free wifi (I guess it's not all bad in Christchurch!). There’s one from my Sista (not Mase my almost sister, my actual Sista, well, from my Dad’s side. Not my Mum’s ... families are complicated.) She tells me that she is flaking out on meeting me in Sydney for the semi final. I was really looking forward to seeing her again as it’s been too long between drinks with us, at least six years since our last pint/white wine spritzer. I fear we are running the risk of becoming strangers and this was a chance to reconnect with some quality time together watching a quality game. This is bad news in email form and there's nothing good I can say to it in reply so I close the bad news machine down and check the cricket score instead ... oh look, South Africa doing quite well against the West Indies.

Board the connection to Auckland, land in Auckland, get a shuttle to the Y.M.C.A. in central Auckland (which is nowhere as much fun as the song makes it sound by the way) and try to sleep in the narrowest single bed I have ever seen! I’m exhausted though so I’m not really caring and tomorrow brings another big, big game.

"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it." Jules Renard - (1864 - 1910)