Shahbaz Tariq, General Secretary of Norwegian Cricket, outlines his hopes of making cricket more popular amongst local people.
How popular is cricket in your country?
Cricket is not a popular sport in Norway. It is still an immigrants sport.
What are your priorities in promoting and developing cricket as a game in your country?
We are going to involve ethnic Norwegians and encourage them to play cricket.
How much schools cricket is available in your country to aid the future development of players?
Up till now, no schools cricket has been available. But very soon, from September this year, we are going to start schools cricket in the Norwegian capital, Oslo.
How are your preparations for the ICC World Cricket League Division 5 progressing?
Our national squad is practicing regularly. We have been to Copenhagen on 26th and 27th April and played practice matches with two top clubs.
Do you think cricket in your country will be in a very different position to its current state
in ten years time? What are the reasons for this?
Yes, because the Norwegian Cricket Federation have very clear development programs.