Most Dismissals in an Innings by Keeper
All Matches, All Grades, Ireland, 10-Sep-1855 to 07-Oct-2024
# Name Club Date Opposition Ground Grade Dismissals
1 PB Jackson Ireland 22-Aug-1984 Scotland Titwood Glasgow 1stClas 6
2 NJ O'Brien Ireland 07-Aug-2006 Italy Hamilton Cresc.Glasgow 1 Day 6
3 CR Cuffe Ireland 16-Sep-1938 Australia College Park Dublin 2 Day 5
4 OD Colhoun Ireland 16-Aug-1969 PIA Sydney Parade Dublin 3 Day 5
5 AT Rutherford Ireland 04-Jul-1996 England ECB Pontarddulais, Wales 1 Day 5
6 AT Rutherford Ireland 24-Jul-2000 Denmark Uddingston, Glasgow 1 Day 5
7 GC Wilson Ireland 20-Jun-2005 MCC Upritchard Park, Bangor 1 Day 5
8 RD McCann Ireland 31-Aug-2010 Canada Toronto CC 1stClas 5
9 NJ O'Brien Ireland 10-Dec-2013 Afghanistan ICC Academy, Dubai 1stClas 5
10 NJ O'Brien Ireland 31-Jan-2016 Papua New Guinea Tony Ireland Stadium, To 1stClas 5
11 NJ O'Brien Ireland 11-Jan-2018 UAE ICC Academy, Dubai ODI 5
12 FH Browning Ireland 22-Jul-1909 Scotland North Inch Perth 1stClas 4
13 WP Hone Ireland 10-Jul-1913 Scotland Grange CC Raeburn Pl, E' 1stClas 4
14 AP Kelly Ireland 11-Aug-1923 Wales Cardiff 3 Day 4
15 OD Colhoun Ireland 05-Sep-1964 MCC Castle Avenue Dublin 1stClas 4
16 OD Colhoun Ireland 27-Aug-1971 Denmark Aalborg 3 Day 4
17 OD Colhoun Ireland 08-Jun-1978 Surrey Rathmines Dublin 2 Day 4
18 PB Jackson Ireland 02-Jun-1984 MCC Ormeau, Belfast 3 Day 4
19 PB Jackson Ireland 21-Aug-1985 CC Conference Norbury 2 Day 4
20 JA Bushe Ireland 18-Jul-1998 England ECB Quick, The Hague 1 Day 4
Copyright CricketEurope 2024 Stats by Cricket Statz | Last updated 11-Oct-2024.