Andre Malan
All Matches, All Grades, 09-May-2003 to 27-Aug-2022
Mat Cts ROs Sts GFs GFWon
6 1 1 - - -
Results by Season
Season Mat Inn NO Runs HS Ave SR 100 50 Overs Maid RunsA Wkts Ave Best 10W 5WI Cts Sts ROs
2018 3 3 1 70 65* 35.00 89.74 - 1 29.3 4 134 7 19.14 4-34 - - - - -
2019 3 3 1 275 145 137.50 88.42 2 - 19 1 83 3 27.67 2-44 - - 1 - 1
Results by Grade
Grade Mat Inn NO Runs HS Ave SR 100 50 Overs Maid RunsA Wkts Ave Best 10W 5WI Cts Sts ROs
Clear Currency Bob Kerr 6 6 2 345 145 86.25 88.69 2 1 48.3 5 217 10 21.70 4-34 - - 1 - 1
Batting Statistics
Inns NOs Runs HS Ave Var% 50s 100s 4s 6s Ducks Ret
6 2 345 145 Vs North D 2019 86.25 85.49% 1 2 40 3 1 -
Out Most By - Shariful Islam(1) P Eakin(1) C Young(1)
Batting Highlights
Score/s Team Vs Ground Grade Date
109(150)* Civil Service No Pembroke Sydney Parade Clear Currency Bob 15-Jul-2019
145(141){ct} Civil Service No North Down The Green, Comber Clear Currency Bob 16-Jun-2019
21(20){ro} Civil Service No Coleraine Coleraine Clear Currency Bob 25-May-2019
0(1){b} Civil Service No Clontarf Castle Avenue Clear Currency Bob 22-Jul-2018
65(60)* Civil Service No Balbriggan Stormont Clear Currency Bob 17-Jun-2018
5(17){ct} Civil Service No Bready Magheramason, Bready Clear Currency Bob 19-May-2018
Results by Batting Position
Position Inn NO Runs HS Ave SR 100 50
3 6 2 345 145 86.25 88.69 2 1
Bowling Statistics
Overs Maids RunsA Wkts Best Ave 5WI 10WM Econ SR
48.3 5 217 10 4-34 Vs Balbrig 2018 21.70 - - 4.47 29.10
Out Most - J Balbirnie(1) D Rankin(1) J Magee(1) L Tucker(1) Dominic Madden(1) ...
Bowling Highlights
O-M-R-W Team Vs Ground Grade Date
10-1-44-2 Civil Service No Pembroke Sydney Parade Clear Currency Bob 15-Jul-2019
9-0-39-1 Civil Service No Coleraine Coleraine Clear Currency Bob 25-May-2019
9.3-1-57-1 Civil Service No Clontarf Castle Avenue Clear Currency Bob 22-Jul-2018
10-2-34-4 Civil Service No Balbriggan Stormont Clear Currency Bob 17-Jun-2018
10-1-43-2 Civil Service No Bready Magheramason, Bready Clear Currency Bob 19-May-2018
First Match
Batting Bowling Team Vs Ground Date
5{ct} 2-43 Civil Service No Bready Magheramason, Bready 19-May-2018
Results by Opposition Team
Opposition Mat Inn NO Runs HS Ave SR 100 50 Overs Maid RunsA Wkts Ave Best 10W 5WI Cts Sts ROs
Balbriggan 1 1 1 65 65* - 108.33 - 1 10 2 34 4 8.50 4-34 - - - - -
Bready 1 1 - 5 5 5.00 29.41 - - 10 1 43 2 21.50 2-43 - - - - -
Clontarf 1 1 - - - - - - - 9.3 1 57 1 57.00 1-57 - - - - -
Coleraine 1 1 - 21 21 21.00 105.00 - - 9 - 39 1 39.00 1-39 - - 1 - -
North Down 1 1 - 145 145 145.00 102.84 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pembroke 1 1 1 109 109* - 72.67 1 - 10 1 44 2 22.00 2-44 - - - - 1
Results by Ground
Ground Mat Inn NO Runs HS Ave SR 100 50 Overs Maid RunsA Wkts Ave Best 10W 5WI Cts Sts ROs
Castle Avenue 1 1 - - - - - - - 9.3 1 57 1 57.00 1-57 - - - - -
Coleraine 1 1 - 21 21 21.00 105.00 - - 9 - 39 1 39.00 1-39 - - 1 - -
Magheramason, Bready 1 1 - 5 5 5.00 29.41 - - 10 1 43 2 21.50 2-43 - - - - -
Stormont 1 1 1 65 65* - 108.33 - 1 10 2 34 4 8.50 4-34 - - - - -
Sydney Parade 1 1 1 109 109* - 72.67 1 - 10 1 44 2 22.00 2-44 - - - - 1
The Green, Comber 1 1 - 145 145 145.00 102.84 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Copyright CricketEurope 2022 Stats by Cricket Statz | Last updated 11-Oct-2022.