G Addicott
All Matches, All Grades, 09-May-2003 to 27-Aug-2022
Mat Cts ROs Sts GFs GFWon
4 1 2 - - -
Results by Season
Season Mat Inn NO Runs HS Ave SR 100 50 Overs Maid RunsA Wkts Ave Best 10W 5WI Cts Sts ROs
2012 4 4 2 230 116* 115.00 117.95 1 1 22.3 1 135 5 27.00 2-37 - - 1 - 2
Results by Grade
Grade Mat Inn NO Runs HS Ave SR 100 50 Overs Maid RunsA Wkts Ave Best 10W 5WI Cts Sts ROs
Hope Kerr - Bob Kerr ISC 4 4 2 230 116* 115.00 117.95 1 1 22.3 1 135 5 27.00 2-37 - - 1 - 2
Batting Statistics
Inns NOs Runs HS Ave Var% 50s 100s 4s 6s Ducks Ret
4 2 230 116* Vs Brigade 2012 115.00 90.88% 1 1 14 16 - -
Out Most By - Naseer Shoukat(1) Faisal Iqbal(1)
Batting Highlights
Score/s Team Vs Ground Grade Date
12(11){b} Waringstown The Hills The Lawn, Waringstown Hope Kerr - Bob Ke 04-Aug-2012
93(96)* Waringstown North County Balrothery Hope Kerr - Bob Ke 15-Jul-2012
116(75)* Waringstown Brigade Beechgrove Hope Kerr - Bob Ke 09-Jun-2012
9(13){lb} Waringstown Strabane The Lawn, Waringstown Hope Kerr - Bob Ke 12-May-2012
Results by Batting Position
Position Inn NO Runs HS Ave SR 100 50
4 3 2 221 116* 221.00 121.43 1 1
5 1 - 9 9 9.00 69.23 - -
Bowling Statistics
Overs Maids RunsA Wkts Best Ave 5WI 10WM Econ SR
22.3 1 135 5 2-37 Vs Straban 2012 27.00 - - 6.00 27.00
Out Most - EJ Richardson(1) T Barr(1) R Patton(1) A Sheridan(1) Iftikhar Hussain(1) ...
Bowling Highlights
O-M-R-W Team Vs Ground Grade Date
8-0-41-2 Waringstown North County Balrothery Hope Kerr - Bob Ke 15-Jul-2012
6-0-57-1 Waringstown Brigade Beechgrove Hope Kerr - Bob Ke 09-Jun-2012
8.3-1-37-2 Waringstown Strabane The Lawn, Waringstown Hope Kerr - Bob Ke 12-May-2012
First Match
Batting Bowling Team Vs Ground Date
9{lb} 2-37 Waringstown Strabane The Lawn, Waringstown 12-May-2012
Results by Opposition Team
Opposition Mat Inn NO Runs HS Ave SR 100 50 Overs Maid RunsA Wkts Ave Best 10W 5WI Cts Sts ROs
Brigade 1 1 1 116 116* - 154.67 1 - 6 - 57 1 57.00 1-57 - - 1 - -
North County 1 1 1 93 93* - 96.88 - 1 8 - 41 2 20.50 2-41 - - - - 2
Strabane 1 1 - 9 9 9.00 69.23 - - 8.3 1 37 2 18.50 2-37 - - - - -
The Hills 1 1 - 12 12 12.00 109.09 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Results by Ground
Ground Mat Inn NO Runs HS Ave SR 100 50 Overs Maid RunsA Wkts Ave Best 10W 5WI Cts Sts ROs
Balrothery 1 1 1 93 93* - 96.88 - 1 8 - 41 2 20.50 2-41 - - - - 2
Beechgrove 1 1 1 116 116* - 154.67 1 - 6 - 57 1 57.00 1-57 - - 1 - -
The Lawn, Waringstown 2 2 - 21 12 10.50 87.50 - - 8.3 1 37 2 18.50 2-37 - - - - -
Copyright CricketEurope 2022 Stats by Cricket Statz | Last updated 11-Oct-2022.