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The Lawrence Moore Column
Lawrence Moore
NW set for busy winter
Following the first of the North West's two General Meetings earlier this month it looks fair to say that the Union's office bearers are set for a busy winter.
Raindrops keep falling on my head
For the past few years however I have struggled with the last box on the form which simply reads- "Don't mention rain- nobody wants to read about weather, especially bad weather."
Catch Curry while you can
Last Saturday saw the launch of Billy Platt’s latest book “A history of Ardmore CC from 1860-2015” and with my colleague Mr Chambers working off a few hours after his latest trip, I availed of the opportunity to go along and get a few snaps.
Umpiring shortage reaching critical point
Because every Monday night Noel sits down with a list of 15-20 umpires that he has available at the weekend and another list of 12 or more matches he needs them to cover. So if you multiply that 12 by 2 and then try to make the answer a number between 15 and 20, well, you’ll see his dilemma.
Hope springs eternal
We're on the eve of another new domestic cricket season tonight and despite the bitter cold, this is the one weekend in the whole calendar where all thoughts turn to a bright summer. It is all about momentum at the start of a new campaign and while obviously nothing will be won or lost after Saturday, trends could well be set.
T20 - it's just not cricket
We're very much into domestic pre-season mode now as preparations for the 2016 campaign should really be starting to take shape up and down the country.
Here come the Men in White
Umpiring boom in the North West.
Club or country: Tyson or Patterson
The past week was as busy a time for following cricket as any of the summer months with Ireland playing PNG, Australia playing India, New Zealand entertaining Pakistan and of course the U-19 World Cup in Bangladesh.
We'll never walk again
Few things in cricket divide opinion anything like as much as people's interpretation of ìthe spirit of the gameî. The age-old ìpreambleî to the Laws covers a multitude and yet is substantially shorter than any of the 42 sub-sections that follow it.
Stance needed to protect InterProvincial progress
Having come to the end of the initial 3-year phase it is as good a time as any to take stock and CricketI reland will probably now look at what they can tweak ahead of the next segment of competition.
Puddles, Play-offs and that PNG party
We're well into the festive season now so I just wanted to sign off for the year with a look back at what was a hectic, if overall somewhat disappointing 2015 for followers of domestic cricket.
Crucial meetings in store for NWCU
The North West Cricket Union will hold the first of its two General Meetings this coming week and although the (A)GM's are an integral part of every calendar year, you sense this is the most important close season for some time.
Lots of activities to shorten the winter
We're just about putting the final touches to this year's club reviews at the moment and while there have been a string of big performances in 2015, little doubt that the overall tone is of a slightly disappointing Premiership campaign this time around.
Ballyspallen and Creevedonnell on life after the play-off
Last month we opened a discussion on the fact that quite a few North West clubs have been struggling in the past few seasons and looked at ways that they may be helped to survive with a keen eye on the incoming Club Licensing Scheme.
10 team Championship a genuine option
At the outset I will hold my hands up here and admit that I was a massive fan of the move and in the Premiership at least, still am. Because while the individual stats will allude to the fact that the standard of cricket definitely hasn't increased because of the new format- the competitiveness certainly has.
PNG wins hearts and minds
There are always a number of things that divide opinion in any sporting organisation and it's fair to say that there are a few in local cricket as well. Start times are a prime example, as are 8-team leagues, midweek replays, the T20 format and starring lists.
Clubs struggling with demand of heavy senior schedule
Too many competitions and dreadful weather putting strain on Ulster cricket.
Young guns go for it
The youngsters hoping to make an impact in the NW; Stephen Smyth puts the nail in the size 9 boots; Craig Young takes 8 wickets on trial and looks destined to be offered county contract.
Simmo signs off after superb reign
I suspect the developments of the past few days will have come as little surprise to many as Phil Simmons takes his leave of Irish cricket to start a new life as Head Coach of his native West Indies.
Chance to challenge ICC as Ireland chase quarter final berth
Players, backroom team and supporters will have had time to take stock after Ireland's brilliant start to WC2015 and no doubt there will be plenty of food for thought ahead of Tuesday's huge test against South Africa.
World Cup looms large on the horizon
A look ahead to the World Cup, Bap Beechgrove bound, and the new club licensing scheme.
What's the odds?
Given that it's a fairly lean time of the year in terms of actual cricket news, CricketEurope's in-house betting guru has been casting an eye over the forthcoming punting opportunities to see if we can find a way of helping with those festive costs.
Review of the NW cricketing year
It hasn't always been the case on the North West cricket scene but 2014 will probably go down as a reasonably uneventful season, something that will no doubt have pleased the new generation of leadership in the region.
The cricketing family
If ever anything proved the existence of the ìcricket familyî it has been the fall-out from the death of Australian batsman Philip Hughes.
JT defection hits Warriors hard
Johnny Thompson's move to CIYMS will hit not only Brigade but also the NW Warriors.
Fixtures fiasco can't be repeated in 2015
The dust has settled now on another fascinating domestic cricket season and there are plenty around the North West who will be glad of the chance to draw breath.
Financial windfall will benefit development
The announcement that Cricket Ireland have secured a decade-long cash injection into their Academy is fantastic news for everyone involved in the sport in this country.
One small step for Johnnie, one giant leap for Limavady
There's an old proverb that says that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Rain, Promotion and Cup wins
A look at how the dreaded R word looks to overshadow the end of the season, Newbuildings on course for Senior cricket, and congratulations to all the trophy winners.
Sion Mills. run rates and the MCBrines
Sion Mills hold 150th celebrations, U13 inter-pro confusion and another senior final for the McBrines.
Crisis averted as NW pair even it up
Things have certainly been a little less traumatic after Bready and Donemana both survived to the semi finals to level it up numerically.
No moral high ground when field is level
A defence of NW cricket and their strategy after another defeat for the Warriors, launch of T20, and wedding day congratulations for Jason Milligan.
Lost in France, well Donegal
Sat navs, Championship hundred for Porterfield, Burndennett Seconds folding - an eventful time in NW and Irish cricket.
New season, new optimism
A look ahead to an intriguing NW season, credit to the Warriors Academy, and a tribute to the outstanding Cricket Ireland President Robin Walsh.
Ulster Cup revamp on cards as sponsorship lost
There could well be a major restructuring of the Ulster Cup after the loss of sponsors Clubturf.
More talk than action in the NW
The latest player gossip, T20 revamp, plans for a Warriors under-age launch and a tribute to Eric Cooke.
Heads I win, Tails you lose
Is it just me or is the trend of batting first currently reaping massive rewards for teams at all levels?
Pre-Christmas round-up
Things have been eerily quiet on the transfer front so far with clubs playing their cards very close to their chest.
Warriors emerging from interprovincial shadows
My second development article looks at the plans to provide infrastructural support for the Warriors, including an Academy for an "emerging" squad.
North West plans developing apace (1)
The first of two features on the work that is ongoing in the North West at present.
Real work to start after play-offs
The real work looks set to start off the field because, despite its success, this season has provided as many questions as answers.
Umpires Association to build more villas in Dominican Republic
In the past couple of seasons we have lost far too many good umpires.
Warriors on the right path
North West Warriors have just one match left in this interpro season and perhaps now is a good time to take stock of the lessons learned.
13 July
The interprovincials resume; T20 day at Bready is approaching; night of nostalgia; the 2013 North West Cricket Annual.
The problems of the North West
I'm not sure the rose tinted glasses make me the ideal candidate to discuss the whole scenario however for what its worth I have my own thoughts on things as they stand.
Warriors forced to wait a while
With a few more performances like the one against the Knights a first victory might not be that far away for the North West Warriors.
Outside Edge: 1 May
A really good start to the North West season and there looks set to be little between the top four or five in both divisions.
Waterside CC - sowing the seeds of passion
Richie Kelly's recent article on the demise of City of Derry got me thinking.
Outside Edge: 10 March
Another month in which there has been no shortage of talking points in the North West and still plenty of unfinished business as well.
Outside Edge: 15 February
The recent comings and goings among the playing fraternity have been shaded by the unfortunate situation at Limavady.
Outside Edge: 2 February
There has been no shortage of activity in North West cricket circles of late as clubs prepare for the onset of 8-team senior leagues this summer.
Outside Edge: 20 January
Although there has hardly been a flurry of transfer movement to date it is fair to say that the moves that have happened could well prove pivotal in the coming summer.
Outside Edge: 17 December
Confirmation from Niall McDonnell that he has joined Coleraine; Cricket Ireland's draft Inter-Provincial document has been sent to the Leinster, NCU and North West Unions.
Outside Edge: 20 November
Despite a new spate of North West-bashing in certain quarters the North West had plenty to celebrate at the Cricket Ireland presentations.
Outside Edge: 24 October
The North West is on the move again as Joe Doherty rings the changes.
Outside Edge: 8 October
We're into the presentation season now and thanks to the hard work of David Doey and Trevor Harpur all the information is to hand to work out where their individual trophies are going this season.
Outside Edge: 18 September
The match at Burndennett on Saturday has been done to death already but there are a few asides that I feel are worthy of a mention both from the weekend and indeed the season as a whole.
Outside Edge: 12 September
You'll be reading plenty about it over the next couple of days but I would like to start this week by extending congratulations to Donemana Cricket Club not just on their title win, but on a superb season overall.
Outside Edge: 28 August
Killyclooney were officially relegated at the weekend having failed to win a single league game all season but having watched them at St Johnston on Sunday I have no idea how they haven't picked up any points.
Outside Edge: 20 August
Every time the hard-working ground staff cleared up a problematic area, the Ireland and Scotland women's teams found another one. What a pity the beleaguered Bready ground staff were put through the most pointless of exercises.
Outside Edge: 14 August
There's a huge week of cricket upcoming with Division 1 action but the focus of attention all week will be on the international front with competition at three different venues.
Outside Edge: 7 August
And so the Inter-Provincial cup competitions are over for another year (the Bob Kerr final notwithstanding, obviously) and all in all a decent showing from the North West contingent against their counterparts.
Outside Edge: 31 July
Now that the dust has settled on the Northern Bank senior cup final it is as good a time as any to take stock on the show-piece in light of Bready's first attempt at hosting it.
Outside Edge: 25 July
It's senior cup final weekend and the great and good will travel to Magheramason as Bready roll out the red carpet for the very first time in this competition.
Outside Edge: 10 July
There have been plenty of changes introduced into North West cricket this season, many of them have worked out really well while others maybe haven't been wholly successful and may need tweaked over the winter.
Outside Edge: 2 July
Parents having to fork out for their children to play international cricket, prize money for domestic competitions and bad light at Bready.
Outside Edge: 26 June
A few weeks ago I extolled the virtue of our Senior Cup competition and I have no doubt some of our friends in the NCU will this week be pointing to the example set by the North West in that regard.
Outside Edge: 19 June
It has been a long hard road for the North West Think Tank but the fruits of labour are definitely beginning to seed.
Outside Edge: 12 June
The two day decider is what sets the North West's Senior Cup competition apart from the others.
Outside Edge: 5 June
England are bound for Dublin but at least we have the pigeons. There has been a damning silence from Cricket Ireland in relation to what will, to be brutally honest, feel like a snub to many in the North West.
Outside Edge: 29 May
Ireland, England and the City of Culture Dilemma: the idea of marking the event in a cricket capacity has been on the table for a number of months now but little seems to have progressed in that time.
Outside Edge: 22 May
When Stuart Thompson stepped out for Limavady on Saturday it was the all-rounder's first appearance since being presented with the platform to let the people at Somerset see what he had to offer.
Outside Edge: 15 May
It isn't difficult to be positive and upbeat about a lot of things going on in Irish cricket and Unions now having their own Coaching and Development Officers certainly falls into that bracket.
Outside Edge: 11 May
The fruits of labour in the North West are starting to seed but patience is still required.