It would be impossible to write anything about the North West umpiring fraternity without including the Admiral of the Fleet, DW Caldwell Esquire.

The Sion Mills resident enjoyed a fantastic playing career at a plethora of North West clubs but his most productive times were undoubtedly at The Holm where as a left arm seam bowler he helped Donemana to win everything it was possible to win.

Davy Caldwell

Davy has also spent the majority of his life helping others make their way in the game whether that was with the NWCU or the Derry Midweek League where he has given a lifetime of service.

As well as being an umpire himself, he has also been the driving force behind the recruitment and training of new officials.

There are few umpires that have stood in the North West in the past 20 years who haven't come under DW's wing along the way.

The years haven't diminished his appetite either and after standing in more than 50 matches in 2019 he was back doing what he loves in this covid-restricted summer.

Davy Caldwell presents a trophy to Jemma RankinDavy Caldwell presents a trophy to Jemma Rankin

It's quite possible no-one has told him he is now in his 80's because there's absolutely no sign of him slowing down and no doubt he'll soon be posting about this year's training course.

And long may he continue.