Yesterday, a grand cricket match was decided on the Fifteen Acres, for the sum of one thousand guineas, five hundred each side, which took rise from an expression thrown out a few nights since, in a convivial party, by Lieutenant Colonel Lenox, and immediately taken up by the Right Hon. Major Hobart— the Garrison of Dublin against all Ireland.
Captain Sandby, who was to have played on the side of the Garrison, and who is esteemed one of the first players in England, was rendered incapable of acting in the field, from the disagreeable accident of his shoulder having been dislocated the evening before, in bringing himself into practice.
About half past one the Garrison set upon their first innings, and from the commencement the odds ran two to one in their favour, which did not tend to raise the expectations of those who had made even bets the day preceding. More skill, judgement and activity, were perhaps never exhibited on any similar occasion, than were displayed by both parties. At about four o'clock, the whole set, which consisted of eleven, was outed, and so keen were the competitors, that without waiting for refreshments, the side of Ireland proceeded to their INNING. Less spirit did not distinguish this contest than the former, though it was attended with less success.
As there was a great disparity in the number of notches made by the contending parties, the Garrison exceeding Ireland by much — the latter proceeded on their second INNING, in order that a single day might determine the competition, or that there should be a reasonable prospect of a doubtfulness of fortune to render it necessary to proceed upon a second. An hour and a quarter determined the fate of the wager, for notwithstanding the severest exertions of the gentlemen on the part of Ireland, it went hollow in favour of the Garrison of Dublin.
The game stood in the following manner: —
Of course the Garrison were winners by 105 —a single inning against two of their antagonists, which is esteemed by players a complete beating. Mr Quinn acted as umpire on the part of Ireland —a military gentleman for the Garrison. The game was kept by Mr Burrowe.
Her Excellency the Countess of Westmorland lost ten guineas by betting on Ireland. Two handsome marquees were pitched, one in Mr Hobart's shrubbery, for the reception of a brilliant circle of ladies of distinction, who graced the simplicity of the manly scene with their presence; the second for the accommodation of the cricket players, on the other side of the Ha-Ha in the Fifteen Acres. The band of the 35 th Regiment attended, and played a variety of favourite airs during this pastime, which, contrasted with the enervated amusements of the present taste, must be acknowledged to be rational, salubrious, and deserving of encouragement.
Colonel Lennox astonished the spectators with a display of agility and skill during the whole contest, which, even the amateurs of the science admitted to have been without parallel in the course of their experience. His subtlety at bowling it was that so soon caused the event to determine in the favour of the Garrison; and his facility of catching the ball may be witnessed, but it cannot also be described.
Mr Tufton also proved himself to be an excellent player. At the wicket he was invulnerable. He stood the whole inning and was never in danger of being put out. We do not at present recollect the number of notches that he made, but they were very numerous.
On the adverse side, Mr Cooke was particularly distinguished for energy and skill; Mr Secretary Hobart was indefatigable in his exertions, and in point of scientific ability was next to Mr Cooke. The Hon Captain Wesby was also active and remarked for a promising player. The remainder behaved with much zeal and adroitness. But " 'tis not in mortals to command success, 'though they did more endeavoured to deserve it."
Note: 'Hon A Wesby' is almost certainly a misprint for Wesley, thefuture Duke of Wellington, who was a well-known enthusiast for cricket. Arthur Wesley (or Wellesley) represented Trim, County Meath, in the Irish Parliament and acted as aide-de-camp to Lord Westmoreland in 1792, whilst with his regiment in Dublin. The Wellington Monument is a prominent landmark in Dublin's Phoenix Park and can be clearly seen from Phoenix Cricket Club.