Great War centenary logoThe cricket careers of all the players noted below have been covered in their biographies which appear elsewhere on this site. In some cases reference was made to their military careers also, but it was felt that readers might find more comprehensive details interesting.

We are aware that this list is incomplete as it has not always proved possible to be certain that a correct identification has been made. We offer our apologies for any errors or omissions and would welcome corrections so that a truly comprehensive record may be made. Names marked with an * indicates that while we believe the identification to be correct it is not definite.

Click on a player's name for his full cricket biography.

  • *Wentworth Allen reached the rank of Lieutenant in the Royal Engineers. He was Mentioned in Despatches.
  • William Andrews Lieutenant in Royal Garrison Artillery then Royal Army Ordinance Corps.
  • Arthur Cyril Bateman  was commissioned as a Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps in 1914 and promoted Captain in 1915. He was awarded the Military Cross (MC) but was killed in action on 28 March 1918
  • George Fitzhardinge Berkely had served with the Worcestershire Regiment in the Second Boer War. 1914-1918 saw him as a Musketry Officer with the 3rd Reserve Cavalry in France.
  • Arthur Blair-White was a Lieutenant and later Captain in the Royal Horse and Field Artillery. He received the MBE in March 1919 ( as a gallantry award) was also Mentioned In Despatches. He was also awarded the French honour the Croix de Guerre.
  • Wilfred La Rive Bourchier served as a Chaplain in the Forces
  • Robert Bruce Bowers , who was only 17 when the War broke out, reached the rank of Sergeant in the Royal Irish Rifles. He was awarded the Belgian Croix de Guerre which was gazetted in 1919.
  • John Handfield Brunskill was already a serving officer in the RAMC and had spent much time in India. Finishing the War as a Lieutenant - Colonel he was awarded both the DSO (1917) and the OBE (1919)
  • Cyril Buttenshaw was a Lieutenant in the Royal Garrison Artillery
  • George Oliver Colthurst who reached the rank of Captain in the South Irish Horse was awarded the Croix de Guerre.
  • John William Frederick Alexander Crawfurd is shown in 1915 as a Temporary Lieutenant on the Unattached List. His regiment is given as Officers' Training Corps.
  • Hubert Henry De Burgh was a serving officer in the Royal Navy when the War broke out. He finished the conflict as a Captain.  In 1917, a Commander, he was awarded the DSO when his destroyer after an action under heavy fire from German shore batteries off the Belgian coast, sank a German ship then picked up survivors. He was also awarded the French Legion D'Honour.
  • Henry Alfred Denham was a regular army officer, a Captain in the King's Liverpool Regiment. He was awarded the OBE.
  • Henry Etlinger was a Captain in the 9th Bhopal Regiment (Indian Army), but was transferred to the Western Front. He was killed in action on 27 April 1915.
  • Robert Fox-Goodman reached the rank of Captain in the Northumberland Fusiliers.
  • Thomas Marshall Llewellyn Fuge was a regular officer in the Indian Army, but fought on the Western Front.. He reached the rank of Acting Major and was Mentioned in Despatches in August 1918.
  • William Robert Gregory was a Major (Acting Lieutenant-Colonel) in the Royal Flying Corps, who allegedly shot down the "Red Baron", though this seems unlikely. Awarded the MC and Legion d'Honeur he was killed by "friendly fire" on the Italian Front on 23 January 1918.
  • Thomas Arnold Harvey served as a Chaplain to the Forces
  • William Patrick Hone was a Lieutenant (Acting Captain ) in the Royal Garrison Artillery. He was awarded the MC in September 1918 for "conspicious gallantry and devotion to duty."
  • Tom Ormsby Jameson, a regular army officer, was a captain in the Rifle Brigade.
  • Augustine Patrick Kelly was commissioned as Lieutenant in the Royal Irish Rifles. He later transferred to the Royal Flying Corps and was awarded the Military Cross in June 1918.
  • Gustavus William Francis Blake Kelly was a Temporary Captain in the Royal Army Service Corps (RASC) in 1916 and was later an Honorary Captain.
  • Edward Leslie Kidd was a Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery.
  • Howard Guerin Le Peton was commissioned in the Royal Dublin Fusiliers, reaching the rank of Lieutenant. He later transferred to the 14th Battalion of the Suffolk Regiment.
  • Richard Averill Lloyd became a Captain in the King's Liverpool Regiment, having been commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in September 1914. He is noted as having been in "Special Employment."
  • Joseph Edward Lynch, originally in the RAMC, was attached to the 10th Battalion of the Prince of Wales' Own (Yorkshire Regiment). He was killed in the Battle of Loos on 26 September 1915.
  • George Frederick MacNamara was a Lieutenant in the 8th Battalion of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers, having first been commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 1915. He was killed "near Loos" on 18 August 1916.
  • *Charles Edward McCausland was, in 1918, a Lieutenant in the Irish Guards
  • George Herbert McCormick was a Chaplain to the Forces. His entire war was spent in India.
  • George John Meldon served with the RAMC, but details of his rank have not, so far, been discovered.
  • Louis Albert Meldon was a Lieutenant in the RASC.
  • Philip Albert Meldon was a regular in the Royal Artillery who had fought in the Boer War. He reached the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel by 1918, in which year he was awarded the DSO. He had been Mentioned in Despatches in 1917. He was twice wounded.
  • Walter Waltrude Meldon, had been a regular officer, who fought in the Boer War as a Lieutenant in the Inniskillings. He then resigned his commission but rejoined in 1914, becoming a captain in the Durham Light Infantry. he had been promoted Major by the end of the War.
  • Henry George Hill Mulholland Lieutenant in Royal Marines.
  • William Henry Napper Lieutenant, later Captain, in the RASC. He was awarded the MC in the New Year's Honours 1918.
  • Hon Donough William O'Brien was attached to the War Office, holding the rank of Captain.
  • *John George O'Brien Second lieutenant Leicestershire Regiment.
  • Sir Timothy Carew O'Brien commanded a detachment in a Remount Squadron.
  • Matthew Croose Parry Major Royal Artillery awarded MC 8 December 1915
  • David Chalmers Pickeman Corporal in the Royal Engineers
  • Bernard Gerald Quinlan Captain in RAMC. Shown in 1917 as "attached to the British Army."
  • Henry Marvelle Read Lieutenant in Guards Machine Gun Regiment
  • Nelson Russell Regular Army. Lieutenant Royal Irish Fusiliers. MC awarded 10 May 1915
  • James Henry Aloysius Ryan Lieutenant then Captain King's Liverpool Regiment. MC for "Distinguished Service" 18 February 1915. Mentioned in Despatches 17 February 1915. Killed Loos 25 September 1915.
  • * Joseph C Shires 2nd Lieutenant Yorkshire/Lancashire Regiment MC 17 December 1917.
  • Frederick Roland Studdert Shaw  Finished War as Lieutenant-Colonel in RAMC. Awarded MC and was Mentioned in Despatches.
  • Pascoe William Grenfell Stuart Temporary Captain. Superintendant Remount Squadron.
  • David Robertson Taylor Lieutenant RAMC
  • Charles Fitzgerald Hamilton Trueman, Regular Army officer who fought in Boer War. Captain Manchester Regiment. Killed 26 August 1914.
  • Arthur Walton Walker Second Lieuteanant Royal irish Rifles. Taken Prisoner of War 2 October 1918. Repatriated 8 December 1918.
  • Herbert Ferdinand Woodgate Had been Regular Army officer who fought in Boer War. Rejoined 1914 Major South Wales Borderers.